Queer Futures - Art Show
Earlier the year (2019) I was lucky enough to be selected to participate in an Art show in Long Beach, Ca. I’m not sure how many other artist were involved but it was fun.
Art Show
Pre-op; Post-op
Almost kicked my ass lol… I designed these cards near the beginning of the year. For whatever reason, I did not get these printed until the very last week before the show.
The design of these cards was inspired by 2 collects I’ve recently started, and will be featuring on here (RayAquarius.com) soon. I can’t tell you their names yet, however the energy can best be described as intergalactic, volcanic, feral cat, bears, ink oceans, Disco, millennial-mod.
… Not might work. but it was great art too. This was taken in front of The Hangout, in Long Beach, CA.
The one in the middle is mine. Phases of the Moon